Planned giving allows you to leave a lasting legacy while providing you or your heirs with significant tax benefits.
Ways to Give

Your year-end gift makes a profound impact!
Health Sciences North Foundation continues to accept donations
online, in-person, or over the phone.
So many easy ways to give!

Plan for Later
Celebrate and Honour
Remember and celebrate those meaningful to you with an In-Honour and In-Memory gift.
Get Involved
Explore options to take fundraising into your own hands.

Let's WIN Together! The HSN 50/50 Cash Lottery is making a BIG IMPACT on patient care at Health Sciences North
See how your support of the HSN 50/50 makes a difference at HSN and in Northeastern Ontario

Donate your time - Volunteer with HSN!
If you would like to volunteer with Health Sciences North, please complete this application form and return it to Volunteer Services. Our success relies on the support of volunteers!